Entry 007: Hypeadelic™
A collaboration with a recycling wizard to remix and refresh a couple of Mav Outdoors' classics...
Learn more about the how, what and why right here...
Our latest collaboration, ultra-limited and handcrafted, is with our good friend and upcycling mastermind Hypeadelic
We love working with individual creatives to bring their expertise and enthusiasm to you. Hypeadelic is a one-man-show, and has been creating upcycled goods since 2018. Each product he makes is reworked from the materials of a pre-existing garment.
We were especially inspired by the kindness and resilience of the folks that call this fierce landscape home. As always, we've documented our experience in an effort to peel back the curtain on expedition. We hope you follow along on our journey... or better yet, make your own.
Upcycling is not only sustainable and great for the environment – as it minimizes the volume of waste entering a landfill – it's also the coolest way to own something truly unique.
The test subject for our experiment was our 'Outland Fleece' Jacket which contains a variety of premium materials from which we were able to construct 4 separate 6-panel hats each with their own unique personality and use-purpose.
Check out more Hypeadelic™ here!